Peugeot 405 Sport red seat belt (set)
Quantity in carton: 5
Category: Body and Trim
Tag: Automotive Parts Distribution - Seat Belts and Seat Belt Locks
Despite its simplicity, the safety belt is an important piece and is required to protect the lives of car passengers. When a shock occurs due to an accident or braking, this is a simple part that preserves the physical health of the car driver and its passengers. The absence of this part in the front and back seats of the car causes irreparable risks such as injuries. Physical damage is very serious and even death, so this safety piece must be used while driving.
The safety belts of Etihad Golden Asia Company are produced with the highest quality and efficiency using the best type of material and finally reach your loved ones.
Types of car seat belts:
1- Automatic
In this type, when the car engine is turned on, this part moves forward automatically at the same time, although the straps that are there to protect the thighs or legs must be closed manually.
This type is not suitable for minors.
2- three points
This type looks like the letter Y, which consists of a strap that passes around the waist and chest at the same time and is connected to the buckle. The three-point belt is still one of the most used belts.
3- Attached to the chair
This type is like the three-point type, with the difference that in the three-point type, the shoulder strap is connected to the column of the car, but in this type, it is connected to the back of the seat. When the car overturns, using this type of belt provides more security.
4- Sash
In the 60s, this type entered the production line of car manufacturers, this type includes a strap that, to close it, the strap must be passed over the chest and then attached to the buckle next to the seat.
5- five points
Five-point belts are used for children’s seats. Because all parts of the body, including the waist, two arms, and the chest are protected by multiple straps, this is the reason why this type is named.
6- Lumbar or double point
Lumbar or two-point type are the first generation of car belts. In this model, the strap is connected to each other from two straight points.
7- Six or seven points
The six or seven point type is part of the safest and most up-to-date generation of car seat belts. This type is mostly used in racing cars or airplanes. This type includes the things we mentioned in the five-point belt, and in addition, it protects the legs using one or two other straps.
Seat belt is an important and vital part of car safety. The high quality of this part is essential for the safety of car passengers. For this reason, Etihad Talai Asia company, using its high experience in the field of automobile related industries, supplies parts and spare parts of domestic cars with the highest quality to all parts of the country.
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