Canister 405 new design
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During many years, the car pollutants had increased so much that in the beginning of the 70s, the environmental protection organizations protested the car manufacturers about these pollutions. At the beginning of this decade, EPA standards were communicated to car manufacturers for implementation.
Gasoline needs heat to ignite, if this heat is not enough, gasoline vaporizes, this vapor is dangerous for the environment, and its accumulation in the tank can be dangerous, that’s why they designed a breathing way for cars. To get these vapors out of the tank. The canister sends the generated steam to the manifold and then to the engine with the aim of fueling the steam.
Canister literally means basket. This part is connected at the end of the tank and absorbs gasoline vapor. The canister, which looks like a box, is filled with charcoal, the active charcoal in this part stores the existing vapors inside and when the car is started, it sends this vapor to the engine to burn in the cylinder. /h5>
Etihad Golden Company canisters are produced and distributed with the best raw materials.
What is the reason for the importance of car canister?
The canister prevents harmful vapors from entering the environment. If this part does not absorb gasoline vapor, a lot of pressure will accumulate in the tank and in case of an accident, it will lead to the explosion of the car.
Symptoms of canister failure:
The check light turns on
The smell of gasoline
Pressure gasoline vapor exit
The sound of knocking
Gasoline spillage
Canister is a useful and important part. The high quality of this piece is necessary to save time and money as well as its important task. In this regard, Etihad Talai Asia company, using its high experience, supplies parts and spare parts of domestic cars with the highest quality to all parts of the country.
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